Żeppi Ellul Ta' Fellusu

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Żeppi Ellul Ta' Fellusu File:Żeppi Ellul Ta' Fellusu.jpg is a noted folk singer from Żebbuġ, Malta. He was born on the 6th February 1945 to Żaru L-Koppi and Karmena Ta' Fellusa.

Although his father is from Kirkop, Żaren was born and bred in Żebbuġ and has taken his maternal nickname. His day time occupation is that of a stonemason, a bennej in Maltese which stresses that he is not a bricklayer.

Born in a family of nine boys and two girls, he has another brother Żaren Ellul Ta' Fellusu, who also folk sings. His mother Karmena folk sang il-għana tal-banju and left an impression on young Żaren,

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